Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BP12__2009103_Web 2.0 Tools-JamLegend

The premise of JamLegend is a lot like "Guitar Hero" or "Rock Band." Colored bubbles move down the virtual fret board as you press buttons in rhythm to the music. The big difference is that you don't have a fake plastic guitar in your hands to play as the bubbles scroll down. Instead, the user is supposed to press numbers 1-5 on their computer keyboard. The advantage of JamLegend is that it does not cost a lot of money to play-it's free!

I played through several songs and found that if I listened to the music, I could anticipate the bubbles and get a higher score.

You can also download your own songs to play. I think this function could work really nicely if you wanted your students to practice ear training. The teacher could download music that the students are learning about and have the students try to "play" it using JamLegend.


Foo Brew, Inc. (2009). JamLegend. Retrieved October 14, 2009 from

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