Saturday, October 10, 2009

BP6_2009102_Web2.0_Tools--Teacher Tube

I learned about Teacher Tube from another classmate during a Wimba session. I thought it was a cool site at the time but quickly moved on to other projects and forgot about the site.

About a week ago, my fourth graders began learning how to play the recorder. I set up "The Recorder Website" and started to create videos through keynote, iMovie, and Screenflow. My idea had been to create an interactive website for students to use while practicing at home. There was one glitch... some of my students were having trouble accessing the videos. I thought about posting them on You Tube for about a minute before I realized that there was some content on the site that was unsuitable for my students. This is when I rediscovered Teacher Tube. This site enables you to post videos and view other posts by educators. Through Teacher Tube I was able to upload a video and post it for students to view.

I added the link to my website so that students can access the video easily.

I found some other videos that music teachers have posted on how to play the recorder. I may compile those videos and post some of them on my site, too.


McKinley, K. (2009). Merrily. Retrieved October 10, 2009 from

McKinley, K. (2009). The recorder website. Retrieved October 10, 2009 from

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