Monday, October 12, 2009


After doing some research on lesson plans involving Flickr, I noticed a theme. Most of them involved tagging and visual representations of of words. Although this is a really ingenious way of using this Web 2.0 tool, I really don't think that I would use this lesson.

I create a video using iMovie. It is usually the finale of our fourth grade music program. The screen drops, the students exit the stage to surround the audience, and the students sing as the video is projected on the screen. I could make my life a bit easier if I created a group of Flickr. Parents could join the group and upload the requested pictures. This would enable me to have all the pictures in one place. I wouldn't lose pictures within my other e-mails and the large attachment wouldn’t take up as much storage space.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to have the parents upload the pics to Flickr! I know what it is like to manage pics being brought in for videos. I am try to remember who posted about pictures of instruments or pictures that represent tone and mood in music. If you post to the music educators section in Flickr, you might get response and more ideas.
